Thumbnail me  3.0
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Thumbnail me 3.0

Author : Rousseau Quentin <[email protected]> - <>


What is Thumbnail me?

Thumbnail me lets you convert your favorites medias into thumbnails in a few seconds written in C++/Qt Framework.

How is Thumbnail me licensed?

GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2) <>

Contact details

Drop me an email to <[email protected]> for any questions regarding Thumbnail me. For reporting problems with Thumbnail me or submitting feature requests, the best way is to open an issue on the Thumbnail me BugTracker at <>.


- Thumbnail me 3.0 was tested on Windows XP/Server2003,Server2008,Vista,Seven. It should work on any later version.
- openGL 3.0 or higher (Optional)
- Internet access to upload thumbnails on ImageShack servers (Optional)


Some people have contributed to Thumbnail me.

Qt ImageShack API & Linux Compilation

Azika-Eros Christ <[email protected]> - <>


EN  -  ENGLISH   - Rousseau Quentin <[email protected]>
FR  -  FRENCH    - Rousseau Quentin <[email protected]>
CZ  -  CZECH     - Jiri Kol <[email protected]>
DE  -  DEUTSCH   - Stephan Pfetten <[email protected]>
ES  -  ESPAGNOL  - Antonio José Berenguer Verdu <[email protected]>
HR  -  CROATIAN  - Ivan Knez <[email protected]>
HU  -  HUNGARIAN - ZityiSoft Team <[email protected]>
IT  -  ITALIAN   - Samuele Pilleri <[email protected]>
PT  -  PORTUGESE - Da Silva Philippe <[email protected]>
CN  -  CHINESE   - Qinlin Zha <[email protected]>
RU  -  RUSSIAN     - Dmitry Bochkov <[email protected]>


Version 3.0

- Migration to Qt 4.8.0.
- File Menu updated.
- Czech Translation added.
- Dutch Translation added.
- Italian Translation added.
- Hungarian Translation added.
- Croatian Translation added.
- Portugese Translation added.
- Chinese Translation added.
- Russian Translation added.
- Restore Window State & Window Geometry at startup added.
- Output Path editable.
- Same output folder as source rendering added.
- Copy to clipboard VerboseWindow added.
- Each item has its own Timeline added.
- Print Preview added.
- Minor bugs fixed.

Version 3.0 Beta

- Migration to Qt 4.7.2.
- Mtn core updated.
- Merging Windows and Linux source code.
- Website updated.
- New splashscreen updated.
- Jpeg, png, bmp, tiff output formats support added.
- Some memory leaks fixed.
- ImageShack upload Widget added.
- ImageShack login Widget added.
- AutoLogin to ImageShack added.
- Settings Widget created.
- Languages Widget updated.
- Fonts Widget updated.
- Fonts ComboBox updated.
- Network Widget added.
- Timeline Widget created.
- Predefined configuration added.
- Color selection improved.
- Input and Output Widget updates.
- Logs display as soon as output information arrives.
- Possibility to set output suffix added.
- Preview Window updated (zoom in, zoom out, background color, openGL support).
- Bounding animation while displaying a thumbnail added.
- Proxy settings Widget added.
- Print fonction added.
- About Window updated.
- Help Widget added.
- Windows Installer updated.
- Dynamic Translation added.
- Possiblity to load last known configuration added.
- Minor bugs fixed.

Version 2.1

- Website created.
- Fix display "About Thumbnail me".
- Bug fixed while dragging an element into BatchMod's QListWidget.
- Items Selection improved in the BatchMod's QListWidget.
- Add Linux x86 & x64 support.
- Minor bugs fixed.